Monday, July 10, 2023

Three Times a Charm?

How many times can you switch hotel rooms in one night? The answer for us is three times. We were dog-tired (and our dog was too) coming into Lubbock on our return from a Colorado vacation. Rest, reading, watching the Spurs, and getting takeout seemed like a perfect way to end our day. Until it wasn’t.

Upon arrival, our first room was fine until we realized that the sink didn’t drain. We had brought everything but the kitchen sink into our room, so, unfortunately, everything had to be moved again. The second room turned out to be where they had recently held a small smoking convention. Finally, the third room had to be a charm, right? Wrong. It didn’t take long to realize that this sink didn’t drain at all either! I bet you never knew that the shower is a great place to brush your teeth.

With a quick perusal of this lovely hotel, we realized it was brand-spanking new! The place wasn’t close to being filled. It was lovely! We were grateful to get a free room that night, but we had to think about whether we’d return on future trips through Lubbock.

The hotel had some kinks (or sinks) to work out as they dealt with their opening issues. Yet, I think we WOULD return for another try. And frankly, we were happy to get a free room that night!

So often, we quickly cancel anyone or anything who disappoints us. We’re so quick to cancel people, hotels, restaurants, companies, and workplaces, for even the slightest mistake or for something they did in the past. And we live smugly, with our cancel list in hand, avoiding, canceling, and making it clear that so and so is on our bad list. (Please know, there ARE things that we should cancel, namely anything or anyone that is abusive.)

I must sincerely ask some important questions here: What would it be like if the Lord canceled us this way? What if He didn’t give us another chance? What if we held on to everything we ever did, said wrong, or goofed up in life?

Psalm 130:3,4 says it so well: “If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O LORD, who could stand?” Absolutely no one. We all deserve to be canceled in God’s eyes because ALL of us have sinned. All of us fall short of measuring up to God’s perfect standard. That’s why God, who loved us so much, offers us the beautiful gift of salvation and forgiveness through Jesus. (John 3:16) Instead of canceling us, if we invite Jesus into our hearts, the Lord wipes away our detailed long list of sins and nails it on the cross. Gone. Once and for all. Never to be brought back up again. That’s grace, the grace of God.

One of the great definitions of grace that I’ve heard is this: “Grace is God’s favor lavished on the utterly undeserving.” ( The more I realize how undeserving I am, the more I am grateful for God’s grace in my life. I can’t help but want to extend that grace to others! Judging, avoiding, hiding, and gossiping have no place in God’s beautiful life of grace.

How could understanding God’s grace change the way you and I do life and relationships? I doubt we’d carry on as normal. I sense that God’s grace, once understood, could change the way we approach our daily lives. It could affect the way we work and serve. It would change our family and affect every relationship. It would affect our behavior in relationships, albeit canceling, judging, disapproving, and holding lifelong grudges. Maybe understanding the enormity of God’s grace would change your life and mine too.

Our world needs the message of grace now more than ever. Will you be a carrier of God's grace?

Worship: Oh, may we grasp the enormity of God's grace! Take a listen: Until Grace by Tauren Wells,

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.

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