Monday, July 3, 2023

Chat GPT and Being Annoyed

I’m on vacation, so I asked ChatGPT to help me write this Start-Up. I’ve been thinking a lot about being so easily annoyed. So, here’s the help I got for “being easily annoyed.”

In the realm of annoyance, I often reside, A disposition easily swayed, I cannot hide.

From slow drivers and relentless Texas heat to wafts of smoke and passwords to delete.

The road stretches long, with a sluggish pace ahead, as frustration lingers, impatience is fed.

Behind the wheel, my annoyance takes flight, while minutes crawl by, stealing hours of light.

On vacation, a condo, a getaway serene. But alas, the smell of smoke invades the scene.

Annoyance dances in the air, a pungent tango, disturbing my peace, turning tranquility into a fiasco.

Passwords, those vexing strings of characters, Demanding change at the worst of junctures.

Annoyance surges, as I wrack my brain, Resetting and reconfiguring, a tiresome refrain.

Traffic’s web ensnares, a tangled mesh, Annoyance blossoms, and patience is tested.

Inches turn to miles, and hours stretch long. As my irritation simmers, a tempest strong.

In this tapestry of annoyance, I find my place. A delicate thread is woven, in life’s relentless chase.

Yet amid the exasperation, a lesson is learned. To let go of irritation and find peace in return.

It was nice of ChatGPT to condense my annoyances into such a nice poem. But the problem remains, I can easily be annoyed. Proverbs 12:16 says “Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult.”  I certainly don’t want to be a fool but would prefer to be a prudent/wise person.

Being annoyed or irritated is such a common emotion! So many factors can affect our irritability, like lack of sleep, being too busy, hungry, tired, etc. When we’re easily annoyed, small things that normally don’t bother us really bother us. But, how can God walk with us and help us become patient and kind people, even in our annoyances?

Instead of asking ChatGPT, how about inviting God into our struggle?

Dear God, I’m just going to be honest with You. I need You to show me exactly when I get annoyed. When do annoyance and irritability take over in my life? Forgive me, Lord, for my impatience. Humble my heart and help me to see people the way You see people and respond as You would. Everybody matters. Everybody needs extra grace. Help us to slow down and love people well. Teach us to be patient and bear with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2) Oh, how we need You, God, to help us to love as You love! Go before us today. Amen.
Maybe we need to quiet our hearts and remember our God. Take a listen:

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.

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