Monday, August 26, 2024


The hot temps in South Texas this week have been brutal. After riding Daisy, my horse, I will hose her down with water. Normally, she doesn’t like water on her face, but now she’s welcoming it! She loves to drink straight from the hose! She is in horsey heaven with the waterfall flowing into her mouth. I knew exactly what she needed and she happily responded!

I sense we could all use a bit of refreshment and encouragement these days. Maybe the political discourse is weighing heavily on you. Maybe a medical diagnosis that is hard to swallow. Perhaps you’re waiting on God to answer your prayers.

Maybe it’s true…. everyone is dealing with something. As I read and pray over the prayer cards in our Y branches, I am no longer shocked by the difficult things that people go through. There is so much pain! We often don’t even know that the people around us are struggling. 

Just like I knew Daisy needed a spray of water, I sensed everyone around us could use a bit of encouragement, care, and love. Have we been so absorbed in our own stuff that we miss those around us?

Here are a few ways we can refresh and encourage others:

Practice caring, really caring: I’ve often said to someone “How are you?” and barely waited for an answer. It can come out of my mouth so naturally. But do I care how that person really is? Do I wait to ask more questions? Do I listen well and respond? Galatians 6:2 says 'Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ." We weren't meant to do life alone. 

Be generous: I think we can be so busy with our own lives that we forget the simple ways to love out of our overflow.  We can be generous with our presence, truly practicing the presence of the people in our midst. Look them in the eyes. Listen well. Wait until they're finished talking to respond. We can also be generous with our money. We can give freely without having expectations of anything in return. We can initiate with a few people we haven’t seen for years and say, “I miss you and just checking in to see how you’re doing.” What would it look like for you to be generous to others?

Encourage One Another: I received a word of encouragement recently that was exactly what I needed. It was written by someone who had lost their spouse unexpectedly in a bike accident. His word of encouragement to me was “Cherish every moment.”  It hit hard. I can take my husband for granted, yet every day with him is precious. I ne Hebrews 3:13 says “Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today,’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”  I am more and more convinced that encouragement is like oxygen for us. It truly inspires, lifts us, and is like a fresh waterfall on a hot summer day. We all need encouragement! What happens without encouragement? We feel unloved, unimportant, and forgotten. Pray for God to show you who to encourage and how best to encourage. Be specific and intentional in how to encourage.

I have a feeling that those of you reading this need to be refreshed and encouraged today. Even though you may not receive it today, give it away. You’ll be refreshed and encouraged by giving it to others.
May God refresh us so we can refresh others:

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.

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