Monday, September 5, 2022

Give a Little Kindness

As I exited the plane this past week, I thought about the flight attendant’s words: “Be safe. Be kind and welcome to Orange County!” Be safe. Be kind. It seems like we all need a bit more kindness these days.

While in Fullerton, my old stomping grounds, I enjoyed daily early morning walks in the hills. One day, I was walking along a beautiful street lined with Eucalyptus trees when a red SUV pulled up. A frantic woman asked if I had seen her German Shepherd. I said, “No, I had not, but I will look and I will pray.” I proceed on my walk, noticing my surroundings and praying for her and her missing dog. As I turned around at the end of the street, I heard a group of dogs barking. All at once the woman pulled up, thinking she heard her dog and ran into her own house! Sure enough, the dog had returned to his own yard while she was gone. I waited in the driveway and soon she came out and gave me a big hug, saying “I don’t even know you and you’ve been so kind.”

It seems that God gives us opportunities to be kind every single day. They pop up in all kinds of ways. Many times, it’s easy to be kind. Walking and praying and looking for a German Shepherd was pretty easy. But, there are times when it’s not so easy to be kind:

Kindness when interacting online
Kindness when a salesman comes to the door
Kindness when someone is downright irritating
Kindness when someone/something interrupts our busy day
Kindness when interacting with a homeless person
Kindness when our order is delayed at a restaurant
Kindness to your family members

Rick Warren writes “Kindness always starts with noticing the needs and hurts of others.” Do you notice the people around you? Kindness is an action that shows you care. But it’s God’s kindness that compels us to be kind to others. When we walk with God, we have the Holy Spirit in our lives, who literally helps us to love, serve and care for others, even when we’d prefer to turn our heads and do our own thing.

Ephesians 4:32 gives us guidance on how to live each day “Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” When we understand and accept God’s amazing kindness that He offers, He literally gives us the power and ability to be kind to others!

Every day we have a choice to be kind to those we encounter, either in person or on the internet. Will you ask God to help you to be kind to all you encounter?

“The lens in which we see people determine how we value people, and how we value people will determine whether we will validate or victimize people.” Pastor Ed Newton

“Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind then about your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” 
Proverbs 3:3 (NASB)

This song by ElevateKIDS “Give a Little Kindness” really seemed to speak to me today:

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.

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