The sunshine is just heavenly today as I hammock in the back yard. The hammock swaying gently from a tender wind. The leaves falling gently on my face. The sun glistening over the palm tree. Pure serenity.
Sometimes the rhythm of every day life does not allow for hammock time. I can get so caught up in my going, doing, performing, achieving and accomplishing! There’s always something more that needs to be done, right? There’s always just one more interruption that requires attention.
All at once, Zoe, my dog appears. She's nudging me to throw her bright pink squeaky ball. Over and over and over..... Interruptions come out of nowhere, don't they?
With the daily tasks we have, slowing down is usually not one of them. When was the last time you intentionally took time to rest? Play? Read a book? Play music? Do nothing? Actually, we often feel guilty for taking time to “do nothing.” In the back of our mind, that long “to do” list still beckons us. How can we relax when we have so much to do?
This solitude. This refreshment. This rest. Sheer bliss. Why don’t I do this more?
I believe God created the concept of rest in the Bible from the very beginning in Genesis. He rested Himself. He saw the value of rest and refreshment for us as well by creating Sabbath. In fact, when we intentionally slow down, we remember that we’re not God of the universe and don’t have to control everything. Our identity doesn’t have to be wrapped up in performing, achieving, doing and serving.
Do you need to carve out a little “me” time this week? What interruptions keep you from giving yourself such a gift? Here’s a prayer as you start your week…
Father in Heaven, Thank you for the invitation you give us to come to you, all who are weary and burdened, and you will give rest. Allow us to take your yoke and learn from you. You are gentle and humble in heart. Thank you that we will find rest for our souls in you. Thank you that your yoke is easy and your burden is light. (Matthew 11: 28-30) Show us today where we have been on perpetual autopilot. Allow us to make time for to enjoy your beautiful creation. Help us see that we need You more than our phones or friends on facebook. Quiet our heart today. Refresh us with your Spirit. Teach us the joy of just being. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain for the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.
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