Monday, June 3, 2024

The Honor of Your Presence

I imagine you’ve received an invitation with the words “Your presence is requested to join us in…..” It’s that time of year when we receive invitations for graduations or weddings. Maybe you’ve gotten one in the mail recently? The invite is all about presence….your presence. Often, an invite might say “We request the honor of your presence.”

What if we gave each other the honor of our presence? What if we were truly present in people’s lives? What if people felt love and acceptance when they were with us? What if we truly listened to others, not seeking to share our opinions? What if we truly inquired of people because we cared?

Throughout the Bible, we see that God desires nearness to His children. We also see that God sent His Son, Jesus, to this earth so that we could be in a relationship with Him. Jesus’ life is an example of how we should live. Jesus loved and accepted all people. Jesus listened, cared, and asked genuine questions. Jesus challenged us to die to ourselves in John 12:24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” When we follow Jesus into His way of life, we can learn to die to ourselves. When we die to ourselves, we truly enter others’ lives because Jesus helps us to do so.

How could your work experience change if you fully gave others the honor of your presence? How could your closest relationships change if you honored them with your presence? Who in your life today needs you to be present for them?

Today, more than ever, many around us need support. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle about which you know absolutely nothing about. The honor of your presence and listening, really listening, can make a huge difference in someone’s life.

Seeing others as more important than ourselves isn’t easy. But God calls us to this type of life. We are to count others as more significant than ourselves. Only God can help us do that! Philippians 2:3 says “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.”  

The gift of your presence can change everything.

May this be our prayer: Dear God, Thank You so much for Your presence. There is nowhere we can go from your presence. (Psalm 139:7) You long for a close relationship with Your children. Just as You are present with us, would you help us be present with others? Please show us how we can be more present in people’s lives. Lord, How can each of us be a reflection of Your love to them today? God, help us make a difference by giving others the honor of our presence. Amen.
God's presence is an open door!

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio. 

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