Monday, September 16, 2024


Do you know what your purpose is in life? If asked, what would be your first response? Would you be confident in your answer?

It’s a critical question for all of us to ponder. What am I supposed to do with my life? Why did God create me?

We often tie our purpose in life to the things that occupy most of our time. Parenting. Grandparenting. Working. Going to school. Retirement. Traveling. Yet, our purpose is the reason why we were created. Our calling is from God and focuses more on something specific.

I have been so impressed with CJ Stroud, Quarterback for the Houston Texans. I’m a Cowboy fan for life but have followed Stroud through his college play at The Ohio State University and now as a Texan. When interviewed, I loved how He referred to his relationship with Jesus. This past Sunday he said:

“Jesus laid His life on the cross for us- I really believe that. This is bigger than just football. Football is my platform. Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ is my purpose.” Stroud’s life has not been so easy. His father, Coleridge Stroud III, received a 38-year-to-life sentence after pleading guilty to kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery in connection with a drug-related incident. He’s been incarcerated since CJ was in middle school. It was this experience that helped Stroud develop a strong relationship with Christ. He did not have a privileged upbringing like many other quarterbacks.

You see, CJ Stroud’s purpose in life is to glorify God. His platform or calling is football. He understands that his platform is a blessing as well as a challenge. But he wants to give God glory through football.

You and I were made to glorify God. Genesis 1:27 says “So God created man in his own image, in the. Image of God he created him: male and female he created them.” We bear the image of God! How do we represent Him on this earth? Everything we say and do should point back to honor and glorify God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” That’s You. That’s me.

As you start this new day, you might ask yourself “How can my life point to God today?" It might be showing kindness to a workmate. Maybe, reaching out to an old friend. Offering prayer for someone who is hurting. Serve your adult children. Work as if you're working for the Lord.

At work? Honor God. At home with littles? Honor God. Volunteering? Honor God. Doing grunt work? Honor God. Serving aging parents? Honor God. Live in light of God’s purpose for your life.
Take a listen:

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Dish Washing Practices

It seems like it would be a great security question: What was your first job? We can all remember what that was. My parents put me to work as soon as I was age-appropriate. I washed dishes at our local country club.

Even though washing dishes sounds quite boring, it wasn’t. We had a great staff at the country club and the kitchen ended up being a place of lots of laughter and fun. Yet, the bottom line, it was still washing dishes. I’m happy to have moved on, but I want to share about another dishwasher who used his time washing beautifully.

Brother Lawrence was born around 1611 and served as a lay brother in a Carmelite monastery in Paris. There’s not much known about his life. He served as a soldier and then after becoming injured, did various jobs. He became a follower of Christ at 18 and later in life, he worked in a monastery kitchen, doing dishes and other odd jobs. No one would have imagined that his humble man would become famous and known as “Brother Lawrence’ because of his book, “The Practice of the Presence of God.” This reminds me that we may not enjoy everything we do, but with the help of God, we can do it with joy and Jesus' presence!

The publishers of his book wrote, “He showed us how, at any moment and in any circumstance, the soul that seeks God may find Him, and the practice the presence of God.” To be noted, Brother Lawrence didn’t have a natural great aversion to washing dishes. Yet, at this point in his life. He accustomed himself to do everything there for the love of God, and with prayer, upon all occasions, for his grace to do his work well, he had found everything easy, during 15 years that he had been employed there. (page, 20, The Practice of the Presence of God)

I think most who know about Brother Lawrence would love to model his life with God. He loved God and simply wanted to pour his attention on Him. He would say “Let him think of God the most he can.” He saw this as a holy exercise to practice.  

What does this mean for each of us as we go about our busy lives? 

1. What might an intimate walk with God look like for you?
2. How could practicing the presence of God help you as you work or volunteer?
3. What would practicing an ongoing conversation with God look like for you?
4. Do you desire to please God in your actions, words, and thoughts?
5. Can you pray to God in those moments that might feel so boring?

It starts with knowing Jesus as our Savior. God longs for us to enjoy a rich relationship with Him! For me, I believe that God longs for me to interact with Him throughout the day. Talking, listening, and being in His presence are possible for each of us too!

“The time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen… I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament.” Brother Lawrence
Take a listen: Draw Me Close:

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Thinking About our Thoughts

I was in a bit of conflict with my thoughts at the YMCA Spinning class this morning. The song blasting out was “Everything is Awesome.” I didn’t feel so awesome at the time. At the same time, our instructor yelled"Get out of your comfort zone! Go faster! Push it!”  I thought I was already out of my comfort zone!

Every one of us is constantly thinking. Sometimes positive thoughts. Sometimes negative thoughts.  We’ve got thoughts swirling around our hearts that often, we can’t even control. What do we do with our thoughts?

Some experts estimate that we humans have around 70,000 thoughts a day. Some say that 75% of these thoughts are negative and 95% are repetitive. Ouch. These thoughts often pop up due to stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, or big changes in your life or body.

Why not check your thoughts right now? Time yourself. Take the next two minutes. Notice every time you think about something and put a slash. How many thoughts did you have in those two minutes? Were they positive or negative?

Our society around us urges us to conform to the world's standards. Toxic thinking. Judging others. Comparing. Participating in political vitriol. Placing value on what we drive, our homes, and what we wear. Have you seen the effects of social media on our thought lives? The more we immerse ourselves in it, the lonelier and more depressed we can become. Every thought and focus can have a consequence.

Oh, how we could all benefit from transforming our thought lives! Listen to J.B. Phillips's version of Romans 12:1-2:

“With eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I beg you, my brothers, as an act of intelligent worship, to give him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to him and acceptable by him. Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God re-mold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands, and moves towards the goal of true maturity.”

We weren’t made to be molded into the ways of society. But so often, we are! Yet, God wants to help us with our thinking. Our God wants to help us rewire our thoughts. As we ask Him, He will help us create a new way of thinking.

We can get so disturbed in our lives! What immediate matters are pressing in on you today? Jesus invites you to consider Him. Present your bodies to God. Give Him Your worries, fears, and anxieties. God wants you, not just your work. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Consider this question when thinking about your thinking: “What is true here? What does God’s Word say?” (Enduring Word, Romans 12:1-2) Think about your thinking. May we enjoy God's peace today and every day.
Take a listen: Still My Mind:

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.