Monday, May 13, 2024

No Condemnation

Condemnation messes with us, doesn't it? defines condemnation as "expressing strong disapproval, pronouncing it as wrong or morally culpable."

Self-condemnation is those whispers of our minds telling ourselves various condemning thoughts: I’m not good enough. I’m a disappointment. Why did I say that? I’m so stupid. I’ll never be able to change. I always come up short. What’s wrong with me? I’m such a loser.

Self-condemnation can send our self-confidence down the drain. With self-condemnation, we forget what truths God says about us and start believing our negative mindset. How has self-condemnation affected you?

I’m not good with defending my self-condemnation. I’m thankful I don’t have to defend myself against myself. You don’t either! I’m thankful we have a God that will fight for us! (Exodus 14:13-14) God is our defender! As we spend time in God’s word and prayer, we gain confidence that gives life, while self-condemnation cuts down our spirit.

There is also another kind of condemnation. The condemnation that comes from others. Judging others is way too natural for us! Condemnation from others may sound like this: Did you hear about her? Did you hear what happened to him? I can’t believe she would do that! I want you to know about this situation so you can pray.

Condemnation from others not only hurts us deeply but affects the one who condemns us. The one who condemns thinks they are the authority on a person’s heart. They are not. Only God knows our hearts. Since we aren’t God, what right do we have to condemn? Those who condemn others try to ruin reputations by condemning others to show themselves better. When we condemn others, we have our own set of issues. Using our mouths to speak negativity can be natural. However, the words of life and encouragement breathe life into others.

Might we consider those times that WE have condemned others? I remember Amy Carmichael, a missionary from years ago, shared before we open our mouths, to consider these questions: Is what I’m about to say kind? Is it true? Is it necessary? It seems to me that the Holy Spirit could help us live and speak differently.

Would you like to be a person free from condemnation? You can be. Yes, there may be others who try to condemn you with their words, actions, or gossip. But the word of God tells us something profound: “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1) No condemnation! None! Do you believe it? What would it look like for you to be free from condemnation? Can you imagine living life from human opinions and enjoying how God feels about you?
Take a listen: Freedom by Jesus Culture:

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.

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