Monday, August 21, 2023

Comfort Zone Mentality

Comfort zones are for real. I’m not so sure I’m aware of when I’m in my comfort zone but I sure do know when I step out! 

Going to the Philippines was a bit out of my comfort zone. First, it was a medical mission trip, and I don’t have a medical background. Second, I would have to leave my husband for a long time. I’ve been on plenty of mission trips in the past as a single, but this was different! Thirdly, I didn’t know what to expect nor how I could be used there. Finally, it was monsoon season. Enough said.

What are your comfort zones? I think we all tend to gravitate toward certain circumstances, people, or places that we feel safe around. Maybe it’s a group of friends that you can totally be yourself around. Or perhaps, it’s a job that you’ve had for a very long time. Maybe your comfort zone involves staying in Texas, not moving anywhere else. Maybe you have a comfort zone when it comes to your palette, trying different cuisines isn’t even on your radar. If you would give a TED talk on your own personal comfort zones, what would you talk about?

I sense that God can blow up our comfort zones. I believe He wants to! Why? Because when I get real about my comfort zone, it’s about me feeling safe and secure and doing only those things that I feel “comfortable” doing. Who doesn’t love to be comfortable? We do everything we can to make sure we’re comfortable. 

One thing I’ve learned over the years is that God IS my comfort zone. Yes, He is the one that keeps me safe. He is the One who buffets me and protects me. He is the One who guides me through circumstances that are new and different. I think about Abraham who was called out by God to go to a place where he would receive his inheritance. (Genesis 12:1-9) Abraham had no clue where he was going! He had to trust God to lead Him! Is it possible to follow God and be comfortable even when we don’t know what’s next? I believe it is.

When we let go of the “comfort zone” mentality, God can increase our faith and reliance upon Him. He becomes our Comfort. All throughout scripture, God uses weak and broken people to do amazing things for his glory. I imagine Abraham was pulled out from his own comfort and had to depend on God like never before!

What would your life look like if you freed yourself from the comfort zone mentality? How might You learn to depend upon God to be your Comfort day in and day out?

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power, and love, and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7
Check out Tommy Walker Ministries and this unique version of "How Firm a Foundation".....we won't be moved as we allow God to be our Comfort.

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.

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