Monday, March 19, 2018

Nicer Than Mine

My car had been trashed for way too long. An organized “trashed”, I might add. The winter mud from the barn just seems to make it’s way into my car. Finally, the Wash Tub did a major scrub down. Interior detail. Carpets, seats and floor mats super cleaned, smelling fresh like the day it was new.

There’s one slight problem. My car is still old and no matter how nice it looks and smells, it’s still a 2008. I drove out of the Wash Tub in my “new” old car and pulled up beside this slick brand new black Cadillac Escalade and all at once I felt slighted. My car wasn’t THAT nice. 

Such is the way of envy. It comes out of nowhere in one’s mind and robs us of enjoying the beautiful gifts God gives us! How many times have you felt less than satisfied because someone else had a nicer car, nicer house, nicer kids, nicer job, nicer bike, nicer clothes? You know, something they had was just NICER.

Envy is discontentment or resentful longing for someone else’s stuff. Envy says “I want more than what you have.” It’s different from saying “I really like what you have.” It says “I want to have what you have instead of you.”  

We usually envy those things that are near and dear to our heart. I don’t happen to be a car person, so I didn’t get too torn up about seeing a nicer car. But I could have if I care about cars. But, I do see how envy can bear down on my mind before I even know it entered! Envy is a nationwide pastime. And honestly, it’s such a time waster and hurtful to our minds. It keeps us from truly appreciating what God has given us! 

I was just reading this Proverb the other day: “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” (Proverbs 14:30) Think of it! Envy is like bone cancer! There’s nothing good about it! Check out this quote “Envy, though not the greatest sin, is the only one that gives the sinner no pleasure at all, not even fake and temporary satisfaction.” (Peter Kreeft) It keeps us from contentment, gratitude and the joy that God desires to give us.

What is the answer to envy? Perhaps it starts with a relationship with God, knowing that He gives a new way of living. The Bible even guides us to live a life of thanksgiving and contentment, which can totally snag the envy right out of us! 

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain for the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.

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