Thursday, July 27, 2017

La La Land

I’m going to La La Land next week, the land of icons and images. But, I only see one…… older, balding man. Here’s how it came down.

It was a beautiful fall day in Orange County. A day I will never forget. We agreed to meet in front of a small hotel on the corner of Harbor Boulevard and the 91 Freeway. I was nervous, my heart beating like crazy. I had no clue what to say or do when I met him.

I got out of my car and immediately saw an older gentleman. A short man, with less than a full head of hair, walked toward me with a gigantic grin, twinkling blue eyes glistening in the sun. It was a moment I’ll treasure forever. We enjoyed hanging out that day, catching up on a lifetime.

Charles, my birthfather, had come from Queensland, Australia, where he raised his family. We could only laugh as we discovered similar traits, quirks and tastes that we mutually shared. Although Charles passed away a few years ago, I was so thankful for 20 years of knowing him.  I’ll never forget his visits to the states or mine to Australia.

It was that day back in Orange County when I first knew what it felt like to look like someone else. But, you know what?  Whether I met Charles or not, I always looked like him. I couldn’t help but look like him because I was created with his DNA. And I guess it’s like that with God and us.

We have always been created in God’s image, whether we want to accept it or not. Just as I could try to not look like Charles, I could also choose not to reach out to him. Yet, Charles wanted a relationship with me and I with him. We can do the same with God. Will we choose to have a relationship with Him? In the end, knowing God brings all of us so much joy.

Remember that great smile Charles had when he saw me? God has that same smile waiting for us. It’s good to be with earthly family. It’s good to be with God and God’s family. I urge you this week to enjoy and celebrate both.

“So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:26-27

“ May the Lord smile on you.” Numbers 6:25

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain for the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.

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