Monday, July 31, 2017

Manu's Decision

It’s hard to believe that Manu Ginobili is 40 today. I know. Many of you don’t really care. That’s OK. But, Manu will always be one of the most beloved Spurs and honestly, turning 40 is a big deal. Wait until you turn 40. You’ll see.

When out on the floor, he adds a dimension to the Spurs that is, basically, indescribable. Who remembers Manu swinging down a bat in the AT&T Center? Who can’t forget the greatest play of the 2017 playoffs when Manu came from behind James Harden and blocked his shot at the buzzer in Game 5 against the Rockets? Manu just being Manu.

I’ve been waiting all summer to find out whether Manu would come back to the Spurs. It was so exciting to hear he made his decision! He’ll be a great asset on the team. His leadership, spunk, and craziness on the floor will be sweet to watch. One. More. Year.

Manu’s decision to play didn’t come easy…..“It was much slower to make the decision than the other times because I had more doubts. I wanted to let the decision mature to see how I felt. I made my decision because it’s a great honor to be in such a franchise, at 40-years old, feeling important, with people who tell me that they love me and that I am still important to the team.”

How do you make tough decisions? What college should I attend? Whom should I marry? Should I move or not?  Invest or not invest? Get a tattoo or not? Aging parent decisions? Change careers or not? Date a person or not? How do you make the RIGHT decision?

I don’t think there’s a cookie cutter approach to decision making. We all are unique human beings with God given talents. It’s never really worked for me to follow the step by step “How to Know God’s Will for your Life’ approach. Instead, I invite God into my decision process. If I’m trying to make a decision, I ask God to help me. I go to God’s Word and camp out at verses like “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you.” (James 1:5) or “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best.” (Philippians 1:9-10)

I do believe God wants input in our decisions, but I think he loves it when we develop the wisdom and discernment to make our own decision in light of His Word. When I feel confidant in the decision, I am ready to move forward. Receiving God’s peace is a sure fire sign that all is good. With God’s peace, I don’t have to second guess myself, because God’s in it. May God bless you and give you great wisdom in all your decisions today.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain for the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

La La Land

I’m going to La La Land next week, the land of icons and images. But, I only see one…… older, balding man. Here’s how it came down.

It was a beautiful fall day in Orange County. A day I will never forget. We agreed to meet in front of a small hotel on the corner of Harbor Boulevard and the 91 Freeway. I was nervous, my heart beating like crazy. I had no clue what to say or do when I met him.

I got out of my car and immediately saw an older gentleman. A short man, with less than a full head of hair, walked toward me with a gigantic grin, twinkling blue eyes glistening in the sun. It was a moment I’ll treasure forever. We enjoyed hanging out that day, catching up on a lifetime.

Charles, my birthfather, had come from Queensland, Australia, where he raised his family. We could only laugh as we discovered similar traits, quirks and tastes that we mutually shared. Although Charles passed away a few years ago, I was so thankful for 20 years of knowing him.  I’ll never forget his visits to the states or mine to Australia.

It was that day back in Orange County when I first knew what it felt like to look like someone else. But, you know what?  Whether I met Charles or not, I always looked like him. I couldn’t help but look like him because I was created with his DNA. And I guess it’s like that with God and us.

We have always been created in God’s image, whether we want to accept it or not. Just as I could try to not look like Charles, I could also choose not to reach out to him. Yet, Charles wanted a relationship with me and I with him. We can do the same with God. Will we choose to have a relationship with Him? In the end, knowing God brings all of us so much joy.

Remember that great smile Charles had when he saw me? God has that same smile waiting for us. It’s good to be with earthly family. It’s good to be with God and God’s family. I urge you this week to enjoy and celebrate both.

“So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:26-27

“ May the Lord smile on you.” Numbers 6:25

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain for the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.

Horse Happy

Ben, my husband, is not particularly fond of horses. Equines had not really been on his radar until I came into the picture. For example, on our honeymoon, we went horse backing in Colorado, something he wanted to do for me, of course. Things went a bit south on the trail ride when he was suddenly thrown from his horse who spooked. Not good.

I wouldn’t say my husband had negative feelings towards horses after that. He just never got on one again. I’m happy to say things can change! We are currently taking Family horse handling  and riding lessons in preparation for owning a horse. I can’t help but grin as I watched Ben recently take a try at picking the horse’s hoof. I love seeing his heart soften toward horses!

All of us have things happen in our life that tend to change the way we think about things.  How do bad experiences affect you moving forward? Whether it’s a strained relationship, a business deal gone south, a scare while flying, speaking in front of a group, or being bit by a dog- these things can produce some negative thinking going forward.  Have you ever vowed….I will never do that again?

When we let negative thinking creep into our minds, it can produce pessimistic thinking, either about our situation, our self-worth or our abilities. Without even realizing it, our minds can take on old memories and translate them into the current situations. Negative thinking patterns affect the way we think, live, work and play. Thankfully, our brain can be reshaped and reformed!

I encourage you to mind your mind. Notice what you put into your mind. What occupies your mind today? Remember the phrase, garbage in, garbage out? It’s the idea that incorrect or poor quality input will always produce faulty output. Whatever we think about, dwell upon and contemplate tends to be what our mindset is. We can’t control all our circumstances, but we can control how we think about them.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain for the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.

Monday, July 10, 2017

What's Your Spiritual Temperature?

It’s that time of year where The Weather Channel App gets stuck in a rut. A big hot rut. Hot, hotter and hottest. There’s no point in checking the weather. Nothing changes. I know that one of these days, it will get cool again. Until then, I find myself frequenting rivers, lakes, pools and very soon, oceans. I also have a Colorado exit strategy firmly in place.

Even though our San Antonio temps don’t change much, our spiritual temperatures do. Each of us have a true spiritual state, whether we know it or not. If you were to describe your heart attitude toward God in one word, what would you say? Angry? Bitter? Distant? Luke-warm? Close? Special? Growing?

I know summer is a time to chill and take things easy. But, what if this summer was THE summer where you took your spiritual life to the next level? Check out some ways to do this:

Do a spiritual check-up. If you were to write one paragraph about God, what would you say? Maybe you would give your reasoning as to why God is like a distant second cousin. Maybe you would admit how you hate how Christian people don't act Christian. Maybe you would write about your one and only church experience being boring, irrelevant and a bunch of rules. Maybe you would share about the trauma, pain or suffering you’ve experienced in life. You can’t possibly imagine how God would allow such things. I’m so very sorry for your pain and I believe God is too. Yet, God is and will always be good, despite your circumstances or what goes on in world around us.

Open God’s Word for yourself. Many people are scared of the Bible. It’s also easy to pick and choose what we want to believe from the Bible. It’s like no other book on the face of this earth. Yet, we can avoid it like the plague. God’s Word is full of encouragement in this challenging world. God’s Word gives immeasurable hope and meaning to life. God’s Word shows us the reality of our own sinful nature. I dare you to stop avoiding God’s way of communicating to His children. Start with the book of John. Read the whole thing. It's amazing! Maybe try Philippians or Ephesians. Try Psalms, like Psalm 1, 23, 32, 103 and 139. This will get you started!

Seek out a spiritual mentor. It’s hard to keep a fire going when the embers are far apart. But, when you pull the coals close together, the flames return. Spending time with other people who challenge and encourage you in your faith is important. Have you ditched church? Avoided other Christians? Steered clear from small groups? Here’s my challenge: Seek out someone in the faith who is further along in his or her spiritual journey. Initiate a lunch or phone call. Ask them questions about their faith journey, including the challenges. Don’t let your own pride stop you. Also consider joining a small group. It's a great way to get to know others and find support and encouragement in the ups and downs of life.

Take a look in the mirror. What resentments have built up in your heart? Where has bitterness taken over? Whom have you refused to forgive? When does the critical spirit attack? We often don’t realize how our hearts grow cold by the choices we make in our relationships with others. Un-forgiveness is sure to keep the heart cold. Bitterness has the same results. Our relationship with God is reflected in our relationship with others. If we have truly experienced the grace of God, we cannot help but extend that same grace toward others.

Finally, as you take your spiritual temperature, ask those closest in your life to evaluate your spiritual life. Swallow your pride and ask: What are some things you see in my character that need to change? Often, we’re the last ones that notice.

“Were not our hearts burning within us while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?” Luke 24:32

“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” Romans 12:11

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain for the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.