Monday, November 11, 2013

Counting on the Cowboys?

My husband recently bought home something that others might find little interest in.... Cowboy Duct Tape.  Yep, that's right.  Cowboy duct tape.  Of course, I also have Cowboy T-shirts, visors, coffee mugs, and sunglasses.  But duct tape?  I've thought about using it to keep from screaming at the television when things don't go so well for the boys.  It seems like you can never quite count on which boys are going to show up on a Sunday.  The good Cowboys or the bad Cowboys? 

I've been a Cowboy fan all my life.  I love the Cowboys!  But, you know what?  I can't count on the Cowboys to win.  I want to.  But, I just can't.  They let me down way too often.  There are some days where I don't want to don my it feeling humiliated on their behalf.  Maybe, there will be a day where I can always count on them.  But, I doubt it. Our teams eventually let us down.  So will people.

What can you really count on in this life?  Honestly, I think the answer is God and God alone. I know.  You may not think you can always count on God.  Maybe you feel he let you down sometime in your life and you just can't reconcile that.  He didn't do what you wanted Him to do.  But the truth is, He is always trustworthy, whether you think so or not.  He will never let you down.  I can't hope in people, teams or circumstances to turn out the way I want them to.  But I can hope in God.

As you start your day, consider this beautiful compilation of scriptures taken from Max Lucado's book 'God Will Carry You Through': "I look up to the hills, but where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.  He will not let you be defeated.  He who guards you never sleeps.  As the mountains surround Jerusalem, the Lord surrounds his people now and forever.  You are my help.  Because of your protection, I sing.  Our help comes form the Lord, who made heaven and earth." (Psalm 121:1-3; Psalm 125:2; Psalm 63:7; Psalm 124:8)  You can count on God.  Begin your day looking to Him.  He will never let you down.  The Cowboys will.

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain for the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.

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