Monday, March 3, 2025

Treasures in Heaven

In one week, I encountered not one, not two, but three angry drivers. As I reflected on each one, I had to make sure I wasn’t in the wrong. In all three scenarios, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. One person tried to run me off the road as I wasn’t fast enough for him. (Most people don’t use the words “not fast enough” to describe my driving.) Another person, because I honked at his bad behavior, decided to start to pass me and stay parallel with me. I just minded my own business and didn’t even look at him. Who wants someone’s finger to brighten their day?

As I reflected today about the near misses I encountered on the roads, I recognized how grateful I was that God protected me from an accident. I realized my need for peace when I reflected on the close calls. This verse in Luke 12:32-24 came to mind:

"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near, and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be.”

There are so many times I need the calming voice of Jesus and His presence to walk me through a trying situation. Here in this verse, I see that this “little flock”, is God’s flock. What safer place can we be than near Jesus? He is our Good Shepherd.

Like this verse, I find that I can seek out the wrong treasure when I'm vulnerable. I may look to people for safety, approval, or stability. I may look to things to satisfy. I may try to replay something in my mind over and over to make it true. I may even scroll through social media to find something that resembles something to satisfy me. When I choose anyone or anything outside Jesus, it never goes well.

I’m so grateful to be a part of Jesus’ little flock. This image is of a flock of sheep small enough that the shepherd knows each one personally and intimately. He knows us by name and our personalities, idiosyncrasies, and what each person faces. He knows our hurts, pains, and fears. He knows what brings us joy! It is Jesus’ pleasure to take care of His flock. He finds great delight in watching over his flock. He is always present, loving each of us perfectly. Why wouldn’t we want to know Him?

Let’s seek the treasure that will never fail. Our Good Shepherd wants us to loosen our grip on the things of this world and seek His Kingdom. It’s hard to follow Jesus in a very broken world. Everything seems to be shaking around us. Life will not be easy. Jesus invites us to reduce the things we treasure in this world and focus instead on treasures from heaven.

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio

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