Monday, August 28, 2023

Pumpkin Cool

Pumpkins are officially back. Starting August 24, the Starbucks fall menu returned, and it was a busy day at Starbucks. Did you know that this is the 20th anniversary of customers having their first sip of Pumpkin Spice Lattes, otherwise known as PSL?

Of course, it’s hotter than blazes here in Texas, but sure, who's not ready for a pumpkin something? I sure am.

Have you ever thought how pumpkins must feel about this time of year? This was my favorite tweet of the week by Beth Moore: “Just think how many centuries pumpkins have waited patiently in the patch to be discovered by Starbucks. Never let go of your dreams.”

Think about it. Pumpkins come out with a boom in late August. Everything in the store…pumpkin muffins, Pumpkin Spice Cheerios, Jet-Puffed Pumpkin Spice Marshmallows, Twinkies, Cookie dough, Bagels, creamers, cream cheese, yogurt, coffee, and more. What happens next?

Pumpkin products blanket our HEB from now until the day after Thanksgiving when Christmas takes over and pumpkin is no longer cool. At that time my pumpkin cans are stacked in a lonely and dark pantry, until the next fall when they debut again.

I’m so thankful that we have a God that desires us every day of the year. Song of Solomon 7:10 says “I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.” To be desired is to be wanted, enjoyed, pursued, known, remembered, and accepted. This is the Gospel, “That God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

There is no human being that could possibly satisfy the very longings created in us by God. We look to other things, possessions, and people to give us some kind of identity. All fall short. 

Did you know that God desires the closest possible fellowship and intimacy with you? He wants to give your life great meaning, purpose, and value. You are God’s first love. He loves you perfectly. He will never put you on a shelf when you’re not cool, useful, or popular. He wants you to love him more than anything else.

I’m happy that pumpkins are once again cool. I'm more than grateful for being desired by God every single day of the year.
God Really Loves us, He really does! Take a listen:

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain of the YMCA of Greater San Antoni

Monday, August 21, 2023

Comfort Zone Mentality

Comfort zones are for real. I’m not so sure I’m aware of when I’m in my comfort zone but I sure do know when I step out! 

Going to the Philippines was a bit out of my comfort zone. First, it was a medical mission trip, and I don’t have a medical background. Second, I would have to leave my husband for a long time. I’ve been on plenty of mission trips in the past as a single, but this was different! Thirdly, I didn’t know what to expect nor how I could be used there. Finally, it was monsoon season. Enough said.

What are your comfort zones? I think we all tend to gravitate toward certain circumstances, people, or places that we feel safe around. Maybe it’s a group of friends that you can totally be yourself around. Or perhaps, it’s a job that you’ve had for a very long time. Maybe your comfort zone involves staying in Texas, not moving anywhere else. Maybe you have a comfort zone when it comes to your palette, trying different cuisines isn’t even on your radar. If you would give a TED talk on your own personal comfort zones, what would you talk about?

I sense that God can blow up our comfort zones. I believe He wants to! Why? Because when I get real about my comfort zone, it’s about me feeling safe and secure and doing only those things that I feel “comfortable” doing. Who doesn’t love to be comfortable? We do everything we can to make sure we’re comfortable. 

One thing I’ve learned over the years is that God IS my comfort zone. Yes, He is the one that keeps me safe. He is the One who buffets me and protects me. He is the One who guides me through circumstances that are new and different. I think about Abraham who was called out by God to go to a place where he would receive his inheritance. (Genesis 12:1-9) Abraham had no clue where he was going! He had to trust God to lead Him! Is it possible to follow God and be comfortable even when we don’t know what’s next? I believe it is.

When we let go of the “comfort zone” mentality, God can increase our faith and reliance upon Him. He becomes our Comfort. All throughout scripture, God uses weak and broken people to do amazing things for his glory. I imagine Abraham was pulled out from his own comfort and had to depend on God like never before!

What would your life look like if you freed yourself from the comfort zone mentality? How might You learn to depend upon God to be your Comfort day in and day out?

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power, and love, and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7
Check out Tommy Walker Ministries and this unique version of "How Firm a Foundation".....we won't be moved as we allow God to be our Comfort.

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Faces and Hearts

I’m writing this on a long flight home from the Philippines. For most of the flight, the lights are off and you can’t see people’s faces. Many are asleep. Some watch movies. Some eating. Yet their faces are hidden in the dark.

So different in the Philippines. We saw faces everywhere. Many people squeezed into a tiny hut looking hopeful as we came for a home medical visit. We saw children’s faces with all sorts of ailments in an orphanage run by Mother Theresa’s organization. We saw babies’ faces as they first came out of the womb crying at their first entrance into the world. We saw faces of young and old, male, and female, crammed into a jeepney on a hot, humid day, dripping in sweat.

It was in the Philippines that God caused me to see more clearly the person behind the face.  I saw the hearts of so many people. What are they going through? How can I lend a hand? How could I be of encouragement? How could I pray for them?

I’m drawn to the verse in 1 Samuel 16:7 “The Lord doesn’t look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” If we only observe the outward appearance of people, their homes, and circumstances, we’re not seeing as God intended. What matters to God is our hearts. God alone can read our hearts, our attitudes, and our motives. He is not influenced by our outward appearance, our accomplishments, or even the words that come from our lips. God is pleased by the one who trusts Him and acts upon His word.

The image of God is in everyone! We can so easily make our judgments without seeing the dignity and worth each human being has before God. Each person we saw in the Philippines has a story. Etched in many of their stories were poverty, poor health, abuse, human trafficking, and living from day to day.  Each of these precious human beings is loved and valued by God. He cares. He knows. He sees their faces. He knows their hearts.

Perhaps we could replace our quick judgments of people with more profound compassion. Maybe we could be more inquisitive about the pain that others are going through instead of a quick “How are you, I’m fine” moment? Maybe we could initiate more and judge less? I think we often don’t want to hear the pains of others because we don’t know how to handle our own pain! So, we hide and miss the blessing of seeing faces and people’s true hearts.

What keeps you from loving freely ALL people? What keeps you from reaching out and asking how others are really doing? What would it look like to care more about people’s hearts than their outward appearance? May God help us all to love like this.
What a beautiful picture of the God Who Sees, Take a listen:

Nancy Abbott is the Chaplain of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio.